Boy doing a scooter trick for beginners

Best Scooter Tricks for Beginners

Scooters are making a comeback. After rising to fame in the early 2000s, scooters witnessed a pretty steep decline in western sales as their young millennial riders entered adulthood. Now those same scooter-loving kids are in their thirties and having children of their own. It’s no wonder that they’re buying scooters online and bringing scooters back into mainstream pop culture.  

The Scooter Advantage

In many ways, scooters are the best way to introduce a person to roller sports. The handlebars provide better balance support than a skateboard, and your feet aren’t locked into place, making it easier to catch yourself when you do lose balance. At the same time, a scooter allows you to take part in all aspects of roller sports. You can use it to zip around town, or you can go down to your local skate park to show off your skills. However, if you’re just getting started, you may want to take some time to work on a few beginner tricks before going all out. 

The Best Scooter Tricks for Beginners

These are the best scooter tricks that you can easily learn as a beginner. They’ll give you something to show at your local skate park and form the foundation for later learning. Once you’re confident with these beginner tricks, you can start branching out into more challenging moves. Just make sure you’re always wearing your protective gear when you’re on your scooter. 

Bunny Hop

The bunny hop looks really basic, but it is foundational for so many other tricks. A bunny hop requires the skater to pull their momentum straight up to jump the scooter straight in the air. Your feet stay on the deck, and your hands stay on the handlebars. The bunny hop is important because it teaches you to use your weight and momentum while maintaining control of your scooter through the jump and landing. 


It just means to ride your scooter backward, which is a foundational skill for many other tricks. When you first start out, you can practice by positioning yourself on a gentle decline and allowing your scooter to roll backward. Once you’re comfortable controlling your scooter as it moves backward, you can incorporate more momentum and eventually some other moves. 

One Footer

It’s another simple trick that teaches a valuable skill. A one footer is just taking one foot off the deck and pushing that foot out to the side. This trick is useful because it teaches you how to dealing with a shift in your balance and weight distribution. You will need that ability whenever you do any more complex trick. 

Bar Spin

A bar spin is going to be more difficult if you haven’t mastered the first three. To do a bar spin, you have to either come off a jump or do a high enough bunny hop to give yourself enough time to spin your handlebars 360 degrees. You have to do that spin very quickly to ensure that you can land safely with your hands back on the bars in the correct position. 

Tail Whip

A tail whip is basically the inverse of the bar spin. During the jump, your feet will come off the deck, pushing the deck to do a 360-degree spin. Although this trick may feel more comfortable for some people, it’s actually a bit more challenging because it makes the deck a little longer to make a full rotation. 


A 180 is debatably easier than a bar spin and tail whip because your body stays completely connected to the board. However, you will have to use your weight and momentum to turn yourself and your scooter 180 degrees in the air before landing in fakie. To prep for this trick, you should make sure you have bunny hops and riding backward down.  

Overall, these are the best tricks to get you started on your scooter-riding journey. For all of your other skating needs, just visit your favorite online roller skate store

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